Friday 23 May 2008

Regarding the Public Transport in Helsinki

More often than not the 110/110T/110TA bus line has been late in the morning. Usually when the bus is late the driver drives the bus straight to the platform and drops the passenger off there, instead of dropping the passengers off at the official unloading platform, picks up new passengers and gets going.

This morning however the driver dropped the people off at the loading platform as usual in this kind of situation. While the passengers were stepping off the bus and walking through the door leading to/from the docking are to the bus station the would be passenger kindly waited for the previous passengers to come out. As is polite.

After the stream of people coming from the bus ended I entered the platform area, as a second person to do so, and realized that the bus was already backing off the platform...

So he apparently didn't want to take on the passengers that had patiently waited for the delayed bus to arrive. Oh no. Luckily I managed to get in though but a dozen or so people weren't so lucky.

Saturday 17 May 2008

No More Fittings

For two weeks at least. Since I have the stitches in my leg and back, (heavy) exercise is not the best idea. And it shows.

Today morning was the first time I woke up with a headache since we bought the Wii Fit. The exercise has prevented my muscles from getting stiff, but not that I am not allowed to exercise any more, I seem to be paying the price.

Well, better a headache today than even a possible melanoma tomorrow.

Thursday 15 May 2008

One of These Days

During noon, I got three birthmarks removed. With local anesthesia.

During afternoon, I had some dental work done. With local anesthesia.

In the evening, I took my medication. Without local anesthesia, but as an injection.

As a careful estimate I got stuck by a needle couple of dozen time. Lucky me I am not afraid of needles.

Part(s) of Me is Missing

Got three birthmarks removed today. Two bigger ones and one small one that I have scratched open a couple of times. Not a big operation. Snitch, stitch 'n' patch and off I go. Got three stitches to the one in the back and four to the one on the leg. No sauna for two weeks after when the stitches are removed. No hard exercise either I'd wager.

No biggies. Except that the stitch buggers itch!

Wednesday 14 May 2008

People Like Statues

We spent a day in Tallinn last weekend. Did really nothing special, just strolled around, looked around, you know, chilled. At a small park a friend of mine spotted this statue portraying a man and a woman embracing eachother and the friend of mine pointed at the butt of the girl and commented "Now that's some butt! Wonder if anyone has quite one like that" (Free translation, just to get the spirit of things). Just for gags I pointed my cam at the statues butt and snapped a shot.

As we were pondering the physical possibility of such an butt even excisting along came Polly. There she walked hand in hand with some guy, stopped at the statue, pointed the butt, said something, both of them laughed a bit and turned to move on. Her profile seemed to match the one of the statue. So, hastily I snapped a picture of her too.

So it seems that there is plenty of truth in the statue...

Customer's Office

It is a dangerous place.

Today I had the opportunity to visit the offices of a luxury car dealer. Boy, oh boy, did I want to take the red car out for a spin. Didn't have the time though.

And that is a good luck, since I might have wanted to buy the thing and it ain't the cheapest one of the bunch!

Monday 5 May 2008

Not Yoga Alone

Apparently taking some 30 minutes of yoga with Wii Fit in the morning is not enough. The backache and headache are trying to make comeback. Well, my good feeling did last a record long time of approximately one and a half weeks.

I skipped the muscle exercises almost totally during the weekend, so I cannot really say if the "yoga in the morning, muscle training in the evening" -routine was that efficient. The sheer fact that after the work I just don't want to make the exercises quite effectively shoots down the whole concept.

Tough luck. I'll take a longer session in the morning then with more comprehensive workout.