Tuesday 31 March 2009

My medication 101

Every now and then I need to explain my medication to friends of mine and every single time I seem to be forgetting to tell something. I try to collect all the relevant info here and add to this "list" when ever I remember more so I can either reference this post or direct people to read this when needed.

My main medication for MS is interferon beta-1a, Rebif of which I use the 44 mg dosage. The medication is administered by sub dermal injection three times a week. The side effects I have are of course the tenderness of the injection area but the most significant one are the flu like symptoms then ensue the injection.

To fight off these I take paracetamol with after the injection. It takes the sharpest edge off. And to manage the symptoms better I inject my medication in the evening before going to bed to allow me to sleep through the symptoms.

Downside of this is that I tend to sleep badly when having the symptoms. This then, quite obviously, means that I am tired the next day. I could try to ensure to have better nights sleep by taking the injection, say, in the morning. But then it would mean me to suffer the symptoms fully may them be dulled as much as they are. The symptoms however include all the downsides of flu without actually having a flu. Risen body temperature, muscle aches, dizziness, restless leg syndrome and general discomfort just  to mention the most obvious ones to me.

This three times a week cycle then limits my free time activities quite considerably. After work I cannot actually go anywhere on the days I am taking my medication to prevent the injection timing to be quite late.

Thank you for your time, I will update the post at later time.