Thursday 7 August 2008

Long Time No Posting

The return to work from the vacation has been quite rough for me.

I just read an article about a study made by Finnish Institute of Occupational Health that the benefits of even a successful vacation can be undone in a month at work. The the employee is not allowed to have a so called soft landing back to work the relaxing and energizing effects of the vacation are pretty soon used up.

What does this have to do with me? Well, I had the best vacation I've ever had. Returning to home was rough in itself (I would have loved to stay at Philippines) but th return to work was an chapter of its own. In a nutshell I had about two days to get reaquinted to the work. And after that our QA manager started her vacation and her testing manager tasks fell for me. So much for the soft landing. I already feel like I have spent the energy and relaxation gained on the vacation.
