Wednesday 26 November 2008

Mood swings

Sleep deprivation can do funny things. It can, for example, mess up your
immune system I read. Also it can, at least in my case, cause mood
swings. For past two days I have been quite happy and very very
depressed. As I am writing this I am the latter. Again. And I hate it.

I'd like to scream out loud, shout for help. But what good would that
do? I think nothing. I just am so tired. Wish I could snap my fingers
and wake up in perfect world, don't we all? I am quite lost on what to do...

I have troubles concentrating. I have severe lack of motivation. I feel
unneeded, unvalued for some reason. I feel guilt for slacking at the
work, which makes me even more depressed feeds my feeling of
unworthiness. Which eats out the motivation, which feeds the guilt and
there we have a vicious cycle feeding itself.

Please, someone, help me make it stop!


What am I even writing this for, no one reads my blogs. That is the main
reason I haven't actually posted anything in any of them for quite some
while. What is the point to share the photos with empty audience? What
is the point of sharing my thoughts for empty group?

Sunday 16 November 2008

First commission abroad

And in Cyprus. Not bad...

Internet connection here at hotel is 6 € per hour, so I try to keep this short and provide some photos.

And of course they didn't upload... Maybe I should take a risk and try to upload them tomorrow from customer site.


Well, better late than never:

It was wee bit cloudy in Frankfurt.

On the border of the occupied territory.

Fresh fruits in old town

A reminder that the traffic culture is quite different from the Finnish one: "Cross with care"